Saturday, June 27, 2009

Days 5 & 6

Today I enjoyed a revitalizing soak in the salt water. It has been far too long since I've been in the ocean. I did not enjoy the worst sunburn of my life. It has been far too long since I've been in the sun. There was no photography for me today, purely unwinding and whining.

Yesterday, on the other hand, was once again an amazing experience with the firefighters of St. Bernard Parish, specifically Engine 8 and District Chief Silva. After meeting them on Tuesday they invited me to come back to take more photos and partake in a shrimp boil. This consisted of 30 pounds of shrimp that had been caught that morning, sausage, potatoes, onions, mushrooms, corn, garlic, spices and seasoning. This was by far the best meal I have had down here and I don't expect to find a better one. Dinner was accompanied by a frenzied conversation that can only be experienced in a Louisiana fire station. I found it difficult to focus on my purpose of making photographs and not just relish in the company I was in.

Here are a few examples of what went on that night. Big props go out to Micah who was my lighting assistant and motivator. He made me try some techniques I don't normally do. I made him try some food he won't normally do.

1 comment:

  1. On that last photograph-was Micah on the floor of the truck holding the speedlights? Nice work, and thanks again for making us leftover shrimp-"bahl" scramble!
